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Join Symbionic’s mission to enable 10,00,000 lives.

What we're building

At Symbionic, we’re on a mission to make daily living easy for people with disabilities. We’re starting with our flagship product- Titan a multi-articulated bionic arm, which let’s user achieve ~90% of their daily activities.

Prior to starting Symbionic, Rishi, our Co-Founder and CEO - experienced the limitations of current prosthetics first hand as an amputee. This experience has created a relentless focus to solve toughest problems of people with disability with powerful and delightful product & experience.

What we value

We strive to create an entrepreneurial work environment and an idea meritocracy. Our team:

  1. Has a strong sense of product ownership 💪
  2. Has a business owner's mindset 💰
  3. Has a blank canvas to learn, collaborate and iterate upon.🎨
  4. Thoughtful communication 🗣️
  5. Transparency and honesty 👏🏻

Traction & Investors

We haven’t launched publicly yet, but already have amazing users, and organisations partnering with us - We’re also supported by VIT University, Govt. of India, T-hub, (and many others which we can’t name yet) that believe in our vision. Users love Symbionic;

Our advisory team is made up of Industry experts from Cornell, Infosys, IIT, MIT & Harvard.

We are well funded and backed by great investors - who believe in what we do and the future we envision!

Why join now?

As an early team member you will help shape: